Shipping and Delivery

Typically, orders are prepared and ready to ship, deliver, or picked up from Triangle Wine Company store locations within 1 to 2 business days. Weather and other unforeseen events may delay order processing. You can track your order anytime by clicking links in your order confirmation email(s) or logging into your account and viewing your order status. For questions, please use our customer service contact form.

ALL ORDERS REQUIRE PHOTO ID - MUST BE 21 or older & Sign for your package

We do not ship outside of the United States or USA states where it not legal for us to do so. We do not ship to P.O. Boxes. Shipping is a flat rate. Make certain someone 21 years old or older has a valid photo identification and willing/able to sign for the shipped package. Some of our customers have chosen to set up personal lockers and/or mailboxes at UPS locations for increased convenience or have items shipped to a business address.


Local delivery is available for addresses with zip codes within a certain radius of Triangle Wine Company store locations. Local delivery is the same flat cost as local shipping. Make certain someone 21 years old or older has a valid photo identification and willing/able to sign for the delivered package. Some of our local customers have chosen to set up personal lockers and/or mailboxes at UPS locations for increased convenience or have items delivered to a business address.

Store Pickup

Please observe store hours for the Triangle Wine Company store location you selected to pick up your order (and please do so within 5 days of your order being ready for pickup). There is no cost to choosing store pickup.